
Rabbi Nissan Hakakian
Rosh HaYeshiva
Yeshivat Tiferet Torah is privileged to have Rabbi Nissan Hakakian, shlita, Rosh Hayeshiva, at its helm. The Rosh Hayeshiva is a master mechanech with over two decades of chinuch experience. Rabbi Hakakian also serves as the Rav of the Sephardic Kehilla of South Monsey, and a respected posek.
Rabbi Hakakian received semicha from Rav Massas, zt"l, while learning under the tutelage of Hacham Shalom Cohen, zt'l, at Yeshivat Porat Yosef. He subsequently learned in the Mirrer Yeshiva in Brooklyn under Rav Shmuel Birnbaum, zt"l and Rav Kalmonowitz, zt"l.The Rosh Hayeshiva treats and cares for every talmid as if each were his own son. The students respond in kind, forming lasting bonds which last a lifetime.

Rabbi Chaim Schabes
Maggid Shiur
Rabbi Chaim Schabes is the Rav of Knesset Yisroel and a renowned Monsey posek. Rabbi Schabes’s studies have taken him around the world from Long Beach Yeshiva to Yeshivat Ponovezh in Eretz Yisrael where he learned under Rav Shach, zt”l, and Rav Shmuel Rozovsky, zt”l.
Rabbi Schabes went on to learn in Bet Medrash Gavoha of Lakewood under the leadership of Rav Shneur Kotler, zt"l, before serving as Rosh Kollel in Mexico City for eight years.
Rabbi Schabes possesses an extraordinary ability to bring life into his shiurim, forming them into something each talmid can gain and learn from.

Rabbi Moshe Nadoff
Rosh Kollel
Rabbi Moshe Nadoff, our Rosh Kollel, learned at Yeshiva Torah Temima in Brooklyn under R' Shlomo Fivel Schustel. He studied for eight years in Yeshivas Brisk in Eretz Yisroel before receiving Semicha at Yeshiva Bet Midrash Gavoha of Lakewood.
Upon moving to Monsey, R' Moshe learned in Kollel Lomdai Shas in the Cheasnut Ridge community and prior to the Kollel opening was a Shoel U'Mashiv at our Yeshiva.
As the much respected Rosh Kollel of Kollel Tiferet Torah, Rabbi Nadoff leads with authority and efficacy, and weaves an everlasting relationship between the bachurim and avrechim and bringing out the best in each so they continuously progress in their learning and growth.

Rabbi Shmuel Liebster
9th Grade Magid Shiur
Rabbi Liebster is well known as a charismatic and beloved Rebbe. The Rav started his yeshiva journey learning by Rabbi Yaakov Bender in Yeshiva Darchei Torah and continued on to learn from R' Tzvi Kaplan in Yeshivas Kodshim in Eretz Yisrael. R' Liebster absorbed their Derech Ha'limud and Hashkafa which he now brings with him to our yeshiva. His signature warmth and love for each talmid resonates on the face of each bachur as they start their path to becoming true talmedai chachamim.

Rabbi Moshe Degani
10th Grade Magid Shiur
Rabbi Moshe Degani has earned a sterling reputation as a Torah educator given his warmth, dedication, and enthusiasm. Rabbi Degani studied under the tutelage of Lakewood’s renowned educator, Rabbi Nosson Stein, shlit”a, and subsequently spent five years in Eretz Yisrael learning in Yeshivas Kodshim under Rabbi Tzvi Kaplan, shlit”a. Ten years ago, Rabbi Degani returned to America to study in the Kollel of Bais Medrash Elyon, guided by Rabbi Yisroel Falk, shlit”a.

Rabbi Yisrael Meir Padawer
11th Grade Magid Shiur
Rabbi Yisrael Meir Padawer brings a passion for learning that greatly enhances the atmosphere in the Yeshiva. R' Yisrael learned in Yeshivas Chasam Sofer followed by Metivta Bet Binyamin in Stamford Connecticut. He then moved on to learn by R' Tzvi Kaplan in Yeshivas Kodshim in Eretz Yisrael and returned to the USA to get his Semicha in Bet Midrash Gavoha. R' Yisrael has been with our yeshiva for 4 years, starting out in our kollel, and has watched the yeshiva grow and flourish.

Rabbi Aaron Dovid Leshkowitz
Shoel U'Mashiv
Rabbi Aaron Dovid Leshkowitz, Shoel Umashiv, received an impressive chinuch and guidance from Torah giants such as Rav Yosef Savitsky, shlita, and Rav Yisroel Belsky, zt”l. After two years of learning under Rabbi Asher Arieli in the Mirrer Yeshiva in Yerushalayim, Rabbi Leshkowitz returned to Brooklyn to continue learning by Rabbi Savitsky. He joined the staff of Mesivta Torah Vodaath as a Chozer to assist talmidim in understanding the shiurim. In his present position at Bet Midrash Tiferet Torah, Rabbi Leshkowitz helps the talmidim gain clarity of the sugyot so they can experience the true enjoyment of in-depth Torah learning.

Rabbi Eliezer Bitton
General Studies Principal
Rabbi Eliezer Bitton, our general studies principal, has been teaching in Yeshivot for close to a decade. After serving in the United States Marine Corps and fighting in the Persian Gulf, he moved to UC Riverside. While there, he attended Mt. Saint Jacinto College and pursued a bachelor’s degree in biochemistry. Subsequently, he came to Monsey and attended Yeshivat Ohr Somayach where he earned a bachelors degree in Talmudic studies and later his Semicha. He now adds his experience in the NYS curriculum to Yeshiva Tiferet Torah where he has developed a state of the art english studies program for our students.
Visit of
Harav Yitzchak Yosef Shlit'a

Visit of
Harav David Yosef Shlit'a